BK-70W yog cov tsiaj qus thiab cov koob yees duab tshaj lij nrog cov vaj huam sib luag solar. Lub koob yees duab nta WIFI sib txuas, tso cai rau cov neeg siv kom yooj yim txuas rau lawv cov smartphones lossis lwm yam khoom siv. Qhov no ua rau lawv rov qab saib, rub tawm, thiab tswj cov duab uas ntes thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab. With its motion detection capabilities, the camera can automatically start recording when it senses movement in its field of view, making it ideal for capturing wildlife activities, monitoring properties, or tracking outdoor events.
BK-D101 yog lub koob yees duab yos hav zoov tau los nrog ob lub ntsej muag muag, ib 13mp sony lub sensor thiab cov vaj huam sib luag. Nws yog qhov ua tau zoo ntaus ntawv tsim rau kev yos hav zoov thiab cov tsiaj qus saib.
The dual-lens design of this hunting camera offers several advantages.The wide-angle lens allows for a large field of view, enabling the camera to capture a broader area, which is great for monitoring large hunting grounds or tracking the movement of multiple animals Cov.
This slim WiFi hunting camera is packed with impressive features! Nws cov yees duab 4k thiab 46mp duab pixel daws teeb meem zoo li zoo tagnrho rau kev ntes cov tsiaj qus zoo. Kev sib xyaw Wi-nkaus thiab Bluetooth muaj peev xwm ua kom yooj yim hloov cov duab thiab cov yeeb yaj duab. Additionally, the built-in 5000mAh battery combined with the option to run continuously using solar panels is a great sustainable power solution, making it suitable for a variety of outdoor environments. Txaus siab rau kev ua haujlwm tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam thaum txo koj txoj kev taug ib puag ncig. Cov kev ntsuas kev tiv thaiv IP6 tseem tuaj yeem lav txog kev siv taus thiab kev ntseeg tau. Zuag qhia tag nrho, qhov no nkawd zoo li lub koob yees duab cog lus rau cov tsiaj qus txaus siab.
HD 4G LTE Lub koob yees duab ntawm lub koob yees duab ntawm tes nrog app
Dhau li ntawm txhua txoj haujlwm koj yuav muaj los ntawm lwm cov koob yees duab zoo sib xws. This one is aimed to offer you stable quality product using experience with many extraordinary features, like Real GPS functions, SIM setups auto match, daily report, remote ctrl with APP (IOS & Android), 20 meters (60 ft) invisible real night vision ability, 0.4 seconds trigger time, and 1 photo/sec (up to 5 photos per trigger) multi-shot to capture the whole track of object (anti-theft evidence), user friendly operational menu, etc.
Hnub Ci Powered 4K WiFi Bluetooth Wilflife Yees Nrog 120 ° Wid-Angle
BK-71W yog WiFi Txoj Kev Txoj Kev WiFi txoj kev sib tw nrog 3 thaj chaw infrared sensor. Lub sensor tuaj yeem tshawb pom sai li cas hloov mus rau qhov kub nyob rau hauv thaj chaw ntsuam xyuas. Cov cim ntawm qhov rhiab rhiab infrared sensor hloov ntawm lub koob yees duab, ua kom pom kev duab lossis yees duab. It is also a solar-powered integrated trail camera, Built-in lithium-ion battery, solar charging function can save users a lot of battery costs, and no longer need to worry about shutting down due to lack of power. Cov neeg siv tuaj yeem saib thiab tswj cov duab thiab cov yeeb yaj duab los ntawm lub.
4g LTE Network txoj kev taug kev lub koob yees duab NFC Kev Txuas App chaw taws teeb
T100 Pro yog 4G LTE Network hmo ntuj pom kev yos hav zoov, nws yog lub koob yees duab thib 1 los txhawb nfc. Tus neeg siv tuaj yeem saib daim duab thiab video nyob rau lub app. 4g network yooj yim rau txuas los ntawm preinstalled SIM. T100 pro tau txhawb nqa saib 10 feeb ntawm kwj dej.
Saib Xyuas: Saib xyuas lub chaw nres tsheb thiab lub loog los tiv thaiv kev tub sab
Cov Tub Ceev Xwm: Tub Ceev Xwm thiab Pov Thawj
● Sijhawm Lapse Video: Ua kom cov txheej txheem kev loj hlob ntawm cov tsiaj thiab nroj tsuag, nrog rau cov chaw hloov pauv, tuaj yeem tsim cov yeeb yaj kiab